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The Ultimate Foot Massage for Mothers Day

Let’s face it, mums probably have the hardest working feet around. Working, heels, chasing children, shopping and exercise, take their toll on a part of our body we all take for granted. The good news is that a foot massage is a simple way to erase tension and help prevent issues like bunions, plantar faciitis and spurs (or relieve them if they are already a problem).

Here’s my quick guide, so you can treat mum to the ultimate foot massage this Mothers Day (or any day for that matter)!

To start get mum to lie down on her tummy. Ensure she’s comfy and there’s no distractions! Place a towel roll under her ankles, so her knees are slightly bent and heat up a heat pack and pop it on her feet. Make sure you have a little bit of massage oil, light moisturizer or magnesium cream so that you can glide across the muscles. Start on the calf muscles, as these cross the ankle and attach onto the foot. If the calf muscles are tight they restrict ankle movement and contribute to foot pain. Run both your hands up the calf, then separate them and slide down the sides of the muscle and repeat. Do this slowly and apply as much pressure as feels comfortable (make sure you ask if the pressure is ok).  Repeat for a couple of minutes.

Next you want to gently work out the little knots in the calf. Run your hands up the calf muscle again and see if you feel any ‘bumps’ in the tissue. If you do, pause on the knot and hold pressure to that spot or use your thumb to rub it gently in circles until it releases.

Now take the heat pack and place it over the calf muscle. Use your fist to run up and down the length of the foot. Repeat for a couple of minutes to warm up the foot.

Then hold the foot so that your thumbs are on the sole of the foot and fingers are resting around the other side of the foot. Use your thumbs to rub up the center of the foot then separate them and run them down the sides. If you find any ‘knot’s gently rub your thumbs in circles over these areas or sustain gentle pressure over them until they release. Now grasp the foot with both hands and gently slide down the foot, applying a pulling force to gently traction the foot. Then slide fingers over the toes and then gently pull each toe to apply a gentle traction. Hold this for a few seconds.

Get mum to turn over and repeat the above techniques on either side of her shin. You can also repeat some of the foot massage techniques mentioned above in this position (like the picture). Finish with a gentle stretch, pushing her foot back towards her body.

All done! You are now the favorite child ;-). Happy Mothers Day.



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